The Never-Ending Clueless Effect

It was my average STITCH filled Sunday. We had just had our bi-weekly all staff meeting followed by  our department meetings. Pitches were firing up, and someone mentioned the movie Clueless and how they admired the fashion in the movie. Everyone chimed in with words of agreement, and I sat quietly.

“I’ve never seen Clueless.”

The hall went silent. Suddenly, it felt like ale eyes were looking into my soul. And almost all at once, the STITCH editorial team was on my back saying things like, “Oh my God you have to see it,” and “This is your homework for the week.”

As I left the meeting, I knew I had a mission to accomplish. I needed to watch Clueless, and I needed to bask in the fashion of the movie.

I work in undergraduate admissions for my work study, and while I’m doing my work, I can easily be watching a Netflix series or a movie. So, the next day as I worked, I decided to watch Clueless. And let me say, my life has changed for the better.

I went into this movie knowing just about nothing. I knew it was one of those “iconic” films that everyone has to see, and I knew it was supposed to be fashion forward, but I didn’t know how fashion forward it truly was. This movie was revolutionary.

Every Cher outfit was spot on. From the yellow-plaid blazer to the everyday white t-shirt look, Cher truly nailed it. It was almost as if her fashion sense transcended time, as everything she was wearing is still completely relevant in the world of fashion today. Furthermore, she clearly was a model for the time period the movie was set in.

Also, besides the fashion the movie was spectacular. And dare I say that it’s better than Mean Girls? Yes. I dare. Cher is the movie heroine this world needed, and thank you STITCH for forcing me to watch it.

As if.

Cher is taking over the world.