Voyeurism Over Privacy, Paparazzi Over People
Constant photos of celebrities are ingrained into our consumerist culture. It’s hard not to get caught up in the voyeurist spectacle of paparazzi photos. As a result, however, the privacy of public figures gets disrespected as a result. Even though some celebrities have turned paparazzi into a means for pushing their personal projects or agendas, paparazzi culture has still had an overall destructive effect on the private lives of those on the receiving end.
Photoshoot Directors: Sara Gronich, Lisa Vicini // Photographer: Madison Smith // Stylists: Danielle Spitz, Ilise Angel, Julia Greenberg, Jude Cramer // Model Relations: Laila Simone Robinson // Models: Yarmis Cruz, Freedom Gobel, Olatunji Osho-Williams